Eventually I return to the internet world this week and make connections with some friends. It has been a long time I seldom spent much time to swamp in this E stream. This E world has a remarkable change and development. It changes so fast than my expectation, though I predicted and waited for it more than a decade. To use this technical tool can become easier, more effective, integrated, varied in globalization and development today.
這星期我終於回到伊世代,和久未連絡的朋友們在網路上相連.忽然驚覺這網路世界已不枉我的預測和等待的發展成連我都來不及追趕的迅速,整合,多樣化與全球化的普及.Thank you for your response, care and prayers, my friend. No matter where you are, in Europe, in the United States , in Africa, in Asia , in Australia , as well as in Hong Kong, the Mainland or in Taiwan , my appreciation is the same. Your patience and longing encouraged me to do my best hurry up to catch up with the E Generation ahead. Therefore, I can get more excellent but important efficiency and efficacy to communicate with you all.
Recently, I 'upgrade' and 'update' myself to stroll in the internet beach, and I discover it indeed changes the way of communication and even the lifestyle of human being. It has gradually also permeated through the value system and thinking perspective of people. Fortunately, our need with God's unreserved love still remains the same definitely and ultimately. It will never be outdated. May this year can be my year of victory and breakthrough with courage to overcome those barriers!
這幾天我逛了一下[網街]與[網市],發現[網潮]的確改變了人的生活型態與溝通方式,甚至價值觀與思考的路徑也受不少的影響. 不過不變的是人的基本需求,那就是上帝不保留的[愛與接納],這個潮流是永不過時的. 過去,我想的太多,寫得較少,付諸行動則更少.今年希望能日日更新,天天得勝,徹底活出神的尊貴與榮耀.
Praise God! My friends, you are nice and great. I am glad some of you grow up and become mature. Congratulations! I will share you the 'An Unreserved Love' and the trailer of a young lady, who has ever taken the part time job to assist me while I was the director of the Grassroots Ministry Department in China Lutheran Seminary before.
我的朋友們,你們都很棒!並且好多都從小朋友長大了,也變得更成熟了. 為你們感謝神,也恭禧你們!
看!看!看![脈絡]即將公演! Look! The trailer of the Context!
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